Paradise Springs Winery entrance
 Paradise Springs Winery tasting room
 Carolyn Miller and Cyndi Reichardt
 We assemble outside the tasting room
 We assemble outside the tasting room
 We head to the introduction to the winery and first tasting
 Our tour leader Jayme gives us a history of the winery
 Jayme pouts the first tasting for Carolyn Miller
 On the otherside of the wall was the original cabin
 A colonial fire pit
 The original living quarters
 Rob Stites looking over the family's furnishings
 In the original tasting room in the basement of the house, Jayme pours a sample
 Daria & Jeff Parnes in the original tasting room
 Greg Allen, Muzaffar Zaffar and Seema Garg in the original tasting room
 Barbara McCullough listens as Jamye explains the type of wine we are to taste
 Cyndi and John Reichardt with our section chair, Vladimir Nesterovich, in the original tasting room
 How corks are stamped from a piece of cork
 Jayme presenting a white wine for tasting
 A sense of the size of the original tasting room
 We head to the one acre of vines that was required by Fairfax County for the vineyard to qualify for its tax reduction
 Listening to Jayme explaning how the vines are managed, Vladimir Nesterovich, Rob Stites, Muzaffar Zaffar, Seema Garg and Barbara McCullough
 How the vines are supported
 Listening to Jayme explaning how the vines are managed, Muzaffar Zaffar, Rob Stites, Barbara McCullough, Seema Garg, Connie Broadie and Gene Allen
 We gathered in a semi-circle before the vines and Jamye
 Jeff Parnes, Kenneth Rapuano, Vladimir Nesterovich, Connie Broadie, and others listen to Jayme
 Our winery tour group
 Roses are planted at the end of the vine rows to act as canaries in a coal mine. If something is attacking the vines, the roses will show the ill effects before the vines themselves
 Our group gathers at the entrances to where the wine/grapes are delivered from other vineyards for processing
 The press used to extract the liquid from the grapes