ASQ Section 0511 December 2017 Meeting Announcement
ASQ Section 0511 December 2017 Meeting Announcement
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Not Your Average Joe's, Reston
1845 Fountain Drive
Reston, VA 20190
Directions to Not Your Average Joe's, Reston
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Social Night
The Board of the Northern Virginia ASQ chapter is hosting a free Social Night for our members. We'll have munchies and soft drinks (bar drinks available at your cost). Come meet the Section 0511 officers and committee chairs, and talk to us about issues you see in the chapter. We hope you'll give us more info on the kinds of things you'd like to see the chapter do that we don't currently do, the kinds of things you'd like us to stop doing, and whatever will help you to get more value out of your membership in ASQ and in our chapter.
Please register to attend (last-minute "drop-ins" welcome, too!) charge involved...just so that we'll have a ballpark idea of how much finger food to order.
Dinner Location:
- 5:30pm - 6:30pm Monthly Board Meeting
- 6:30pm - 7:00pm Registration & Networking
- 7:00pm - 9:00pm Social meeting and discussion
Not just another restaurant
There was no shortage of restaurants when Not Your Average Joe's first opened in 1994. There was, however, a shortage of great restaurants with reasonable prices in the suburbs. Tired of driving too far and paying too much, Steve Silverstein decided to build the restaurant he was longing for.
The name Not Your Average Joe's came out of Steve's determination to avoid the run-of-the-mill-restaurant rut. He wanted to create a unique neighborhood place, where people know your name, where the food and prices are great, where you feel special without dressing up.
Seems other people want that too. Today, Not Your Average Joe's boasts 26 locations from Nashua, NH to Reston, VA, satisfying a seemingly limitless hunger for creative casual cuisine.
No, the world doesn't need another restaurant. But it could use a few more Not Your Average Joe's. We're working on it.
Reservations: To register for this meeting complete our on-line registration form by the Monday of the week of the meeting. There is no cost for the social night. But, if you've registered to attend and your plans change, please contact, and let us know.
Meetings are open to all ASQ members as well as to the public.
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, 11 January 2018 -- Olive Garden in Tysons Corner
Call for Speakers!!!
Would you or someone you know like to speak at a future ASQ meeting? We're always looking for volunteers. Be creative! Exercise your public presentation skills! Earn recertification credits! Get a free dinner! Please contact