ASQ Section 0511 May 2020 Meeting Announcement
ASQ Section 0511 May 2020 Meeting Announcement
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Online Meeting
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Quality Forward – the Decision to Join
Presented by
William “Bill” A. Eastham, Jr

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Presented by
William “Bill” A. Eastham, Jr
Short Narrative/Description:
Quality Forward – the decision to join.
A short 15 to 20-minute overview of ASQ membership for both the Northern Virginia Section and ASQ National for worldwide membership. Why has membership declined from a high of 136,000 in the 1990s to 52,000 in 2020 – the current worldwide membership for ASQ is 52,456 of which 43,442 are in the United States. In fact, the American Society for Association Executives (ASAE) has noted: an estimated 62 percent of associations in the United States are experiencing flat or declining membership. To guide the discussion after the short review of the research and data, think about the following: 1) what affects membership,
2) who are our quality leaders in today’s environment, who do we turn to as quality experts at the local level, national level, and
3) what is affecting our ability to maintain an interest/engagement in quality and membership in ASQ; are people just not joining associations or are there now so many more options, is there a generational difference with Millennials and generation Y when it comes to quality?
These are just a few questions to guide the discussion.
How do we as members of a professional quality association move quality forward, how do we continue to ensure quality is a keystone and attract and maintain individuals’ interest in and engagement with Quality and ASQ. What are those little steps (habits) we can take each day to build and move quality forward…
- William "Bill" A. Eastham, Jr's. (Ph.D., CQA, PMP, CPA), career spans more than 40 years of diverse experience as a consultant to the federal government as well as a federal senior executive employee. He has served in leadership positions as a Senior Program Manager, Director and Vice President for such companies as SAIC, Windwalker, The Centech Group, SI International, Booz Allen Hamilton, Pathfinder LLC, and Abrams Learning and Information Systems (ALIS) and as a Senior Executive for the US Postal Service as the Training Manager for more than 600,000 USPS employees. His expertise ranges from program/project, change, quality, cyber security, and performance management to human capital, career, and leadership development programs.
- Mr. Eastham started his career as an officer in the United States Air Force as an ICBM Minuteman Missile Launch Officer, achieving Elite status. While serving as Chief, Contingency Airspace Operations Division (ACC, Osan AB, Korea), he provided technical assistance to the Korean Ministry of Transportation (MOT). As Secretary for the Korean Airspace Committee, MOT, he served as a spokesman for the US Forces Korea and was responsible for the airspace requirements of all US services in Korea. Mr. Eastham's final Air Force assignment was as Director of ATC and Technical Training for Air Combat Command (ACC).
- Mr. Eastham led a three-year DOE Environmental Management workforce development program for the design and implementation of the Technical Employee Qualification and Standards Program (TQP) affecting more than 180,000 employees' training certifications. He served as Program Director for the DoD Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative providing research, instructional capability, quality management, and outreach support services.
- Mr. Eastham has consulted with more than a dozen Federal Law Enforcement Agencies in support of the Automated Targeting Systems (ATS Anti-Terrorism, Narcotics, and Passenger), Treasury Enforcement Communication System (TECS), NCIC Certification Training, National Customs Automation Prototype (NCAP), and the International Trade Prototype for law enforcement worldwide. He supported the Department of Justice, Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section supporting an initiative of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF). He provided leadership for the U.S. Marshall Service, Witness Protection Program (WitSec) supporting training program development and deployment. (published with permission)
- Mr. Eastham participated in exercises and operational ready assessments, serving on and leading Crisis Action Teams (CATs) and Emergency Response Teams. He was invited to participate in a Readiness Assessment at the Fluor Daniel Fernald (FDF) Operation in Ohio, conducting a program assessment for Activities Involving Enriched Restricted Nuclear Materials. He was a Team Member in the training and quality program reviews/surveillances/audits for the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) at the DOE Savanna River Site during its construction, start-up phases.
- Mr. Eastham holds a B.A. from the University of Virginia (Sociology, and Communication/ Rhetoric), a M.S. in Business Management and Supervision from Wilmington University, and a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology from Kennedy University. He is a Certified Quality Auditor (CQA) with the American Society for Quality (ASQ), a certified DOE Environmental Lead Auditor, a Project Management Professional (PMP) with the Project Management institute (PMI) and holds a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification. He completed a certified OPM federal Senior Executive Service Career Development Program and USPS Senior Leadership Program.
- Mr. Eastham was elected to serve on United States Distance Learning Association's (USDLA) Executive Board as well as the Distance Learning Accreditation Board (DLAB). He is currently a member of the Association for Talent Development (ATD), Project Management Institute (PMI), Chartered Quality Institute (CQI), and the American Society for Quality (ASQ). Mr. Eastham served on the 2009/2010 ASQ National Learning Institute/Center Committee to map the direction of the ASQ Learning Center's path to serve the more than 80,000 members.
These slides are part of a 15 minute presentation and then will be used to guide an open discussion:
Meeting Information:
- We will be using an online meeting tool WebEx, click here to join the meeting.
- The meeting will be recorded.
Reservations: There is no charge to attend. To register, please use our on line reservation form which can be used up to the day of the meeting. If your plans change, please contact, and let us know.
- 6:00pm - 7:30pm Section Business & Presentation
Meetings are open to all ASQ members as well as to the public.
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, 10 June 2020 — TBD
Call for Speakers!!!
Would you or someone you know like to speak at a future ASQ meeting? We're always looking for volunteers. Be creative! Exercise your public presentation skills! Earn recertification credits! Get a free dinner! Please contact