ASQ Section 0511 September 2022 Meeting Announcement
Wednesday, 14 September 2022
Community Matters - ASQ Divisions: Energy and Environmental Division (EED)
Presented by Ken Rapuano
ASQ Section 0511 Vice Chair and Compliance Officer

Short Description:
ASQ Section 0511 is a community of quality professionals of Northern Virginia. But geography is not the only principle used by ASQ to organize communities. Topic and industry-specific communities are formed based on member interests. They are member-led communities that include divisions, forums, interest groups, and technical communities.
Ken Rapuano leads the Community Matters initiative that he introduced at the Section's August 2022 meeting. In the Community Matters initiative, we take a look, one by one, at the 27 divisions and other formations that ASQ has for topics and industries.
- In the past, we already reviewed the Risk and Reliability Division (RRD) presented by Mike Coleman at the Section's October and November meetings in 2021.
- In this September 2022 meeting, Ken Rapuano will present his own Energy and Environmental Division (EED).
Ken has worked in the Health & Safety, Industrial Hygiene, and Environmental fields for 35 years. He is an IHMM-Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) and a member of the Energy and Environmental Division (EED). In this meeting's Program, he will serve as a link between Section 0511 and some of the ideas and activities that EED concerns itself with.
This Program includes both the close look at the Energy and Environmental Division and Ken's own professional observations.
Program Content:
The Program will consist of the following:
- First, Ken will make introductory remarks, including:
- Talk about his professional interest and credentials in environmental topics.
- Give a high-level overview of the Community Matters initiative and where today's presentation on the Energy and Environmental Division (EED) belongs in this initiative to present ASQ Divisions.
- Note some upcoming changes in the in myASQ Communities.
- Then, Ken will present the Energy and Environmental Division (EED). This includes:
- Division Structure
- Division Publications and Resources
- Division Activities
- In addition, Ken will relate his own experiences of a Quality Professional working in the Environmental Industry.
- Finally, Ken will summarize this Division Review and will answer questions.
Speaker Background:
Ken Rapuano is a Senior Chemist at HydroGeoLogic, Inc., a Reston-based environmental firm. He has been an IHMM-Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) since 2010 and an ASQ-Certified Quality Auditor (CQA) since 2015.
His expertise includes analytical chemistry, data validation and usability assessments, and health and safety. He also supports database management and risk assessment.
Outside of work, he is still playing Dungeons and Dragons and has been known to take an occasional interest in beer brewing, history, sports, computer games, and cats.
Ken was elected as the Section 0511 Secretary for 2019-2021, then was elected as the Section Vice Chair for 2022.
- Earlier in 2022, Ken stepped up additionally to serve as the Section's Compliance Officer.
- He also leads the Quality Matters Reports initiative that has resulted in several reports on Quality Matters Round Tables since they started in 2021.
- In 2022, Ken also assumed the role of the Community Matters Initiative Lead to have the ASQ Divisions presented to the Section members.
Webinar Link / Meeting Instructions
6:00pm — 7:00pm – Section Leadership Committee meeting
The following information is for a recurring meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month:
Meeting link:
Joining by meeting information (requires entering the password):
Web address:
Meeting number: 2551 557 3371
Password: FVcQFA8bx63
Joining by phone (you will have to identify yourself by name when you have joined):
Phone number: 1-408-792-6300 Call-in number (US/Canada)
Access code: 2551 557 3371
7:00pm — 8:30pm — Section Meeting Information
The following information is for a onetime meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of this month:
Joining by a direct link:
Meeting link:
Joining by meeting information (requires entering the password):
Web address:
Meeting number: 2558 628 6407
Password: mnEywaWt284
Joining by phone (you will have to identify yourself by name when you have joined):
Phone number: 1-408-792-6300 Call-in number (US/Canada)
Access code: 2558 628 6407
There is no charge to attend. To register, please use our on line reservation form which can be used up to the day of the meeting. If your plans change, please contact, and let us know.
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, 15 or 16 October 2022 — Ranger Outing Tour of the Washington Masonic temple in Alexandria, VA
Call for Speakers!!!
Would you or someone you know like to speak at a future ASQ meeting? We're always looking for volunteers. Be creative! Exercise your public presentation skills! Earn recertification credits! Get a free dinner! Please contact
About Us:
ASQ Section 0511 is a geographic community that lives intertwined with the network of ASQ Divisions — technical communities specializing in specific quality domains and supporting ASQ Certifications in their domains.