ASQ Section 0511 October 2022 Meeting Announcement
Saturday, 15 October 2022
George Washington Masonic National Memorial: Ranger Outing Event
Address: 101 Callahan Drive, Alexandria, VA, 22301
Event Organized by Carolyn Miller
ASQ Section 0511 Arrangements and Ranger Outings Chair

Short Description:
The October 2022 ASQ Section Meeting is a Ranger Outing Event (as was announced at previous ASQ Section Meetings).- Participating in it will require driving to the location and spending time there comparable in duration to regular ASQ meetings plus meal time if you stay for the meal.
- There will be no video streaming from this event, so you would have to come in person to participate.
- This is an educational event, so it carries an award of 0.5 RU as any other ASQ Section Meeting.
- You (and your guest if any) must register and pay here:
- Note: If you have not successfully paid, your registration is invalid.
The event is based on the tours and facilities offered by the George Washington Masonic National Memorial, which was completed in 1932 and opened its doors on May 12th of that year, now celebrating its 90 years.
- Website: The GW Memorial's web site is here:
- Location: The location is 101 Callahan Drive, Alexandria, VA, 22301, which requires no drive through downtown Alexandria for most people.
- Building: The GW Memorial's form was inspired by the lighthouse of Alexandria, Egypt, one of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World, and its design reflects the classical architecture of Greece and Rome.
- These styles connect the Memorial to the architecture of Washington's day, when the classical aesthetic was used to express the democratic principles guiding the new republic.
- The Memorial's architect, Harvey Wiley Corbett, was educated at the Beaux-Arts School and designed the Neoclassical tower to impress and inspire.
- Grounds: The landscaping of the Memorial grounds was done by the renowned Olmsted Brothers firm that remained influential for more than a century.
- The firm's founder was Frederick Law Olmsted, who designed the grounds of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., New York City's Central Park, the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina, and the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago.
- The grounds of the Memorial were designed by an Olmsted employee named Carl Rust Parker, one of the most renowned American landscape architects.
ASQ has removed its former restrictions on in-person events except for the expectation that participants will follow local guidance.
- Masks inside the building are noted on the site's tour web page here at the time of writing this announcement:
- However, our Tour Guide has informed us that the requirement to wear a mask is in the process of being sunset, and our tour is unlikely to have a requirement for masks.
- Thus, perhaps plan on having a mask in your pocket just in case. We will follow the guidance of our tour at the time of the tour.
- ASQ does not require signing waivers, so, you will not be asked to sign one, either.
- Thus, by participating, you have agreed that this is acceptable to you.
Program Content:
The ASQ Section Event will consist of the following:
- Optionally, reviewing the GW Memorial's tour website to build expectations of what you will see:
- Do this on your own before you arrive to this event's location.
- The tour website to review is here:
- Note: The website shows the standard tour. Our private tour will be more extensive.
- Participating in the GW Memorial Private Tour
- Optionally, attending the ASQ networking meal in a restaurant, which is a walking distance away from the tour site.
The GW Memorial Tour and Networking Meal Schedule:
- 11:00 a.m. — 11:20 a.m. — Arrival, registration, and ticketing in or near the lobby.
- Meet Carolyn or her delegate or ask for reservation by Carolyn Miller and ASQ.
- The site's driving and parking directions are here:
- 11:30 a.m. — 1:15 p.m. — Tour of the GW Memorial, personally led by knowledgeable Guide who will highlight the features of the GW Memorial and answer questions.
- Our tour is private and, thus, notably longer than the publicly available 1-hour tours.
- Our Tour Guide is Shawn Eyer, Master of Arts (MA), Master of Liberal Arts (ALM), Director of Education.
- The tour will start on time and will NOT wait for late arrivals.
- Participation in Guided Tour is required for .5 RU.
- Tour includes both the inside and the outside part.
- The Memorial part of the tour is inside the building.
- The Observation Deck and Grounds Landscaping parts of the tour are all outside.
- Dress according to the weather and with the expectation that the tour will be both inside and outside.
- 1:15 p.m. — 1:30 p.m. — A short walk from the tour site to the restaurant.
- The estimate of the walk is 0.4 miles, or 8 min (see the map).
- Destination is Restaurant: Joe Theismann's Restaurant
- The Restaurant's address: 1800 Diagonal Rd, Ste A, Alexandria, VA 22314
- If a walk to the restaurant (and then back) is not acceptable to you, you can drive to the garage next to Theismann's Restaurant and Embassy Suites (probably, not free) at 1900 Diagonal Road or to metered street parking.
- 1:30 p.m. — ASQ Section 0511 Networking Meal.
- You will pay for your own meal that is to your liking in size, content, and cost.
- You will receive a $10 stipend reimbursement if you stay for the networking meal, regardless of what you purchase for your meal.
- Participation in Networking Lunch is NOT required for .5 RU. However, you will not receive the stipend if you do not attend the lunch.
- Note: The ASQ lunch is for the purposes of networking. This is why no to-go option shall be provided at the Section's Ranger Outing events.
See the map of all locations:
- The registration form allows you to indicate your interest in carpooling, including your interest in receiving a ride, providing a ride, or both (in which case you will be asked to receive or provide a ride depending on other registrants' preferences).
- The October 2022 Event is local and likely not a long drive for many participants. However, you may prefer to carpool of any of a number of reasons.
- Consider compensating your driver in cash — see suggestions on the Registration Form.
- Note: Since ASQ has dropped all restrictions on in-person meetings, you cannot expect or demand your ride share to wear or not to wear a mask or perform any other precautions. If you agree to a ride share at the time of registration, then that means that this is acceptable to you.
Notes on the Program:
- Carolyn Miller (Ranger Outings Lead) or her designated volunteers will meet you in or near the lobby at 11:00 a.m. — 11:20 a.m. and will assist you with your registration and ticketing.
- Please arrive to the registration site in advance, preferably at 11:00 a.m. We need to complete all registrations and ticketing by 11:20 a.m. and proceed to the tour at 11:30 a.m. Please be mindful of the fact that you are not the only person arriving.
- Overall, the premises are open 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Registration and Reimbursable Payment:
This event requires registration and reimbursable payment for you to participate:
- You need to register every person who will attend, be it you or your guest.
- This is because the Section will purchase the tickets and arrange the stipends.
- If you bring a guest (who is expected to be paid and given a ride by you), please register such a guest on the same form as your own registration.
- If you do not register a guest but later decide that you want to bring a guest after all, then have your guest register separately — just indicate that you are not interested in carpooling (as you will drive).
- This registration does not impose a count limit on attendees, but the Standard Registration will close on Thursday October 13, 2022 @ 4:30 PM.
- Late Registration will continue after that until Friday October 14, 2022 @ 12:00 PM NOON with a non-reimbursable $5 surcharge and no carpooling option, after which time no registration will be accepted.
- Registration must be accompanied by payment that will be reimbursed if you come to participate:
- You need to pay $25 online for registering each person, be it you or your guest.
- Note: GW Memorial tours were free for most of the memorial's history, but a fee began to be charged in 2010. Besides, our tour is private and different from the public tours.
- Any ASQ Section 0511 Member in PAID status WHO SHOWS UP for this Ranger Outing will be REIMBURSED $15 after the event to the same card used during the online registration.
- Any other registered person WHO SHOWS UP but is NOT in PAID ASQ Section 0511 status will be REIMBURSED $10.
- Anyone who participates in the Networking Lunch will be additionally REIMBURSED $10, which is the lunch stipend toward the lunch cost.
- You (and your guest if any) must register and pay here:
- Note: If you have not successfully paid, your registration is invalid.
Anyone NOT registered WHO SHOWS UP for this ASQ event (for example, as a guest of someone who has registered) will be accommodated only if there is an ability to do so.
- No guarantees of such accommodation should be expected; thus, it is important that you register both yourself and your guest.
- Overall, you can buy a standard tour from GW Memorial, but it will begin at a different hour than the ASQ tour.
Event Leader Background:
Carolyn Miller is a Senior Analyst in charge of Exam Compliance, Internal Audits, and Risk Management at Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA) and Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). She is also an ASQ Certified Quality Auditor (CQA).
Her experience includes the fields of compliance, quality assurance, R&D, regulatory, marketing, and sales. In her work, she applies operating principles within a lean, six sigma driven organization and uses her knowledge and background of risk management and due diligence. She is a published author of a revenue-generating QA policy manual for community pharmacies.
Carolyn has been the ASQ Section 0511 Arrangements Chair since 2015. She has also assumed the responsibilities of the Ranger Outings Lead since our September 2021 Ranger Outing at Mount Vernon. If you have been to the Section's restaurant events during these years or have come to our Ranger Outings, you have used the results of her generous volunteer service!
Webinar Link / Meeting Instructions
6:00pm – 7:00pm – Section Leadership Committee meeting
The following information is for a recurring meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month:
Meeting link:
Joining by meeting information (requires entering the password):
Web address:
Meeting number: 2551 557 3371
Password: FVcQFA8bx63
Joining by phone (you will have to identify yourself by name when you have joined):
Phone number: 1-408-792-6300 Call-in number (US/Canada)
Access code: 2551 557 3371Next Meeting:
Wednesday, 9 November 2022 — 2022 Ranger Outings: A Year in Review
Call for Speakers!!!
Would you or someone you know like to speak at a future ASQ meeting? We're always looking for volunteers. Be creative! Exercise your public presentation skills! Earn recertification credits! Get a free dinner! Please contact
About Us:
ASQ Section 0511 is a geographic community that lives intertwined with the network of ASQ Divisions — technical communities specializing in specific quality domains and supporting ASQ Certifications in their domains.
- Optionally, reviewing the GW Memorial's tour website to build expectations of what you will see: