ASQ Section 0511 June 2023 Meeting Announcement
7:00 - 8:30 PM Wednesday, 14 June 2023
Location #1: Kings Park Library
Arrive at 6:45 PM: 9000 Burke Lake Rd., Burke, VA 22015
Location #2: Online Streaming via WebEx
Streaming at 7:00 PM:
2023 ASQ World Conference: Section 0511 Report
Latest Quality Trends from 2023 ASQ World Conference on Quality and Improvement
Presented by ASQ Section 0511 Conference Attendees
Carolyn Miller: ASQ Section 0511 Conference Lead Pro Tempore, Arrangements Chair, Ranger Outings Lead
Connie Broadie: ASQ Section 0511 Historian, Chair for Voice of the Customer, Secretary
Maria Habib: ASQ Section 0511 Member

Short Description:
The June 2023 ASQ Section 0511 Meeting marks the return of the tradition of having Section 0511 members at the Annual ASQ World Conference and reviewing its materials and results.
- The last time we had such review was in 2019. We all know the intervening events of not traveling and not meeting since then. Well, we had our Section members at the 2023 ASQ World Conference! And they are to tell us what happened there!
- While waiting for the 14 June 2023 Section Meeting, you can see the previous such reports:
Our Section 0511 Officers Carolyn Miller took charge as the Section’s Conference Lead Pro Tempore for 2023. She has led the preparation of this presentation.
- Connie Broadie and Maria Habib will join her in this presentation.
You are invited to attend their report.
- You (and your guest if any) must register here:
- Note: If you are registering for the optional dinner but have not successfully paid, your registration is invalid.
Program Content:
You are welcome again!
- This is our second on-site meeting in a row, after a 3-year hiatus, conducted at yet another professional location and enhanced with online streaming and a discounted dinner. We look forward to seeing and dining with you in person!
- Plus, we are reviving the Section’s tradition of having our Section 0511 members at the ASQ World Conference and reviewing its proceedings and results at the Section’s monthly meeting.
The Section’s ASQ Conference Attendees will do the following in their June 2023 presentation:
- Recount the Member Leader Day events.
- Provide insight into the 2023 Theme of the ASQ World Conference: The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Experience.
- Provide a brief overview of the Conference’s Keynote Speaker Presentations.
- Tell you about the Sessions they personally attended and the favorites, tidbits, and takeaways of their experience.
- Present the networking opportunities they had at the conference.
- Show the pictures and visuals of the conference.
- Play the ASQ 2023 Conference Video Recap.
Notes on the Event:
In-Person Meetings: ASQ has removed its former restrictions on in-person events except for the expectation that participants will follow local guidance.
- The Kings Park Library website does not note any mask or vaccination requirements.
- However, we did have occasions in the past where we were told that masks would not be required yet the location required a mask.
- Thus, perhaps plan on having a mask in your pocket just in case. We will follow the guidance of our meeting site at the time of the meeting.
- ASQ does not require signing waivers, so, you will not be asked to sign one, either.
- Thus, by participating, you have agreed that this is acceptable to you.
Recording and Streaming: The meeting’s program will be streamed and recorded. No effort will be made to record you specifically unless you speak up nor to avoid recording your voice or likeness. Thus, by participating in the meeting in person, you have agreed that this is acceptable to you.
On-site Location: The on-site meeting will be conducted at the following location: Kings Park Library: 9000 Burke Lake Rd., Burke, VA 22015.
- This should be a relatively short drive for many Section 0511 Quality Professionals.
- Please arrive 15 minutes in advance for check-in and, if applicable, meal setup.
See the maps of the area:

Registration and Payment:
Member Planet Advance Registration
This event requires registration for all who attend on site.
- Registration for those attending online is requested but not required.
- You (and your guest if any) must register here:
The onsite registration through Member Planet is as follows:
- Standard Registration with dinner is $10 per person by Monday June 12, 2023 @12 PM NOON.
- Late Registration with dinner is $15 per person by Tuesday June 13, 2023 @12 PM NOON.
- Registration for On-site Attendance without dinner is FREE by Tuesday June 13, 2023 @12 PM NOON.
Walk-in Registration
We are asking you to make your best effort to register through Member Planet as described above in advance so that we can plan for your participation accordingly. If this is not possible, you are still welcome as a walk-in.
The walk-in onsite registration is as follows:
- Walk-in registration with dinner at the meeting site is $20 per person payable with a Credit Card.
- Walk-in registration without dinner at the meeting site is FREE.
- The charge may be canceled and is reimbursable only if canceled by Sunday June 11, 2023 @6:00 PM via email to Chair for Voice of the Customer Connie Broadie at
- You are expected to arrive 10-15 minutes ahead of the 7:00 PM for registration and seating regardless whether you have purchased a meal.
Speaker Background:
Carolyn Miller is a Senior Analyst in charge of Exam Compliance, Internal Audits, and Risk Management at Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA) and Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). She is also an ASQ Certified Quality Auditor (CQA).
Her experience includes the fields of compliance, quality assurance, R&D, regulatory, marketing, and sales. In her work, she applies operating principles within a lean, six sigma driven organization and uses her knowledge and background of risk management and due diligence. She is a published author of a revenue-generating QA policy manual for community pharmacies.
Carolyn has been the ASQ Section 0511 Arrangements Chair since 2015. She has also assumed the responsibilities of the Ranger Outings Lead since our September 2021 Ranger Outing at Mount Vernon and has led multiple Ranger Outings since then. If you have been to the Section’s restaurant events during these years or have come to our Ranger Outings, you have used the results of her generous volunteer service!
Connie Broadie is the Quality Manager and Lead Internal Auditor for SoBran, Inc. Her experience includes compliance, training, IT and Security (NISPOM). She is also an ASQ Certified Manager of Quality and Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) and an ASQ Certified Quality Auditor (CQA).
Connie has been the ASQ Section 0511 Historian since 2016, Chair for Voice of the Customer since 2019, elected as Secretary for 2022 and re-elected for 2023. As the Section's Ranger Outings Review Lead, she was the Presenter of the November 2022 and the February 2022 reviews of the 2022 and 2021 Ranger Outings respectively. You have likely responded to her requests for your voice to be heard through some of our polls!
Maria Habib is a Quality Auditor and Process Lead at Integrity Management Services, Inc. (IntegrityM). She currently leads and supports business process improvement and quality initiatives and performs internal audits. Maria holds a BS in Economics and a Masters in Public Policy from George Mason University. She is an ASQ Certified Quality Auditor (CQA) since December 2020 and is also a certified CMMI Associate through the CMMI Institute since October 2022.
Her experience includes the field of general operations where she has contributed to quality, business process improvement, marketing, compliance, contract management along with other areas within general operations. Maria is responsible for helping to maintain and approve documents for the company's document management system. She has worked in change and configuration management for many years.
Maria is a member of ASQ Section 0511.
Section Leadership Committee Meeting Information:
Wednesday, June 14th, 2023 at 6:00 pm EST
Joining by a direct link:
Meeting link:
Joining by meeting information (requires entering the password):
Web address:
Meeting number: 2551 557 3371
Password: FVcQFA8bx63
Joining by phone (you will have to identify yourself by name when you have joined):
Phone number: 1-408-792-6300 Call-in number (US/Canada)
Access code: 2551 557 3371
Next Meeting:
Member Meeting on 12 July 2023, topic TBD
About Us:
ASQ Section 0511 is a geographic community in Northern Virginia that lives intertwined with the network of ASQ Divisions and technical communities specializing in specific quality domains and supporting ASQ Certifications in their domains. Its members have tremendous cumulative experience across multiple industries, companies, and government agencies. Any single one of you in our ASQ Section is a formidable source of takes, opinions, and lessons on a number of Quality Matters.
600 N. Plankinton Ave., P.O. Box 3005
Milwaukee, WI 53201-3005
Toll Free North America: 800-248-1946
International: 1 414-272-8575
Connie Broadie
ASQ Section 0511 Secretary
Northern Virginia Section 0511
American Society for Quality
Follow us on Twitter @ASQ0511
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