ASQ Section 0511 January 2024 Meeting Announcement
Wednesday, 10 January 2024
(A) 2024 Section Chair's Report
Presented by Ken Rapuano, ASQ Section 0511 Chair

(B) Professional Night: Path to Quality, Part 2
Conducted by Quality Professionals of ASQ Section 0511
Short Description:
Ken Rapuano is Section 0511 Chair for 2023/2024. He will present his Section Chair's Report to brief the participants on the State of the Section. This is the third Section Chair's Report that follows the precedent of the first such Report of January 2022. This includes the Section's Strategy, Priorities, and a walk-through of Initiatives that the Section carries out.
After the Section Chair's Report for the balance of the meeting time, we will conduct Part 2 of the third Professional Night: Path to Quality of last month. Six (6) Quality Professionals spoke for 6-7 minutes each, introduced by three (3) moderators, at the December 2023 meeting. Time permitting, we will give floor to several more Quality Professionals to introduce themselves at this January 2024 meeting.
Speaker Background:
Ken Rapuano is a Senior Chemist at HydroGeoLogic, Inc., a Reston-based environmental firm. He has been an IHMM-Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) since 2010 and an ASQ-Certified Quality Auditor (CQA) since 2015.
- Early in 2022, Ken stepped up additionally to serve as the Section's Compliance Officer.
- He also leads the Quality Matters Reports initiative that has resulted in several reports on Quality Matters Round Tables since they started in 2021.
- In 2022, Ken also assumed the role of the Community Matters Initiative Lead to have the ASQ Divisions presented to the Section members. This resulted in his presentations at the August and September 2022 and May 2023 Section Meetings.
His expertise includes analytical chemistry, data validation and usability assessments, and health and safety. He also supports database management and risk assessment.
Outside of work, he is still playing Dungeons and Dragons and has been known to take an occasional interest in beer brewing, history, sports, computer games, and cats.
Ken was elected as the Section 0511 Secretary for 2019-2021, then was elected as the Section Vice Chair for 2022, and then elected Section Chair for 2023. He is continuing in his role as Section Chair for 2024. In addition to leading the Section as its Chair, Ken also generously continues leading the following three (3) initiatives:
Program Content:
Section Business. The Section Business part of the meeting will likely be shorter than usual as a number of Section Business items will be touched upon in the Section Chair's Report.
Section Chair's Report. After that, the Chair will present his Report on the State of the Section. This is the Report promised to you at the December 2023 meeting.
- This Report is to inform you what the Section Volunteers work on, what they accomplished last year, and where the Section is going.
- This Report draws on its precedent of the January 2022 Section Chair's Report delivered by the 2022 Section Chair Vladimir Nesterovich and the January 2023 Section Chair's Report delivered by the 2023 Section Chair Ken Rapuano. We now have the tradition of annual Chair Reports to the Section Members.
- Ken will review the Section's Strategy and Priorities and will walk you through the main initiatives that the Section carries out.
- He will emphasize what has been achieved since the last Chair Report and what has fallen short during this past year.
- He will also describe how the Section's Strategy and Priorities are evolving given what has been achieved and what needs to be done next.
- This Section Chair's Report is your educational opportunity for you to reflect upon:
- In general, what a community of Quality Professionals can do as a group, and
- Specifically, what Section 0511 as the community of Quality Professionals of Northern Virginia does for its members.
- Note: This Section Chair's Report is NOT a call for volunteers, although you are welcome to volunteer based on what you hear.
Professional Night: Path to Quality, Part 2. Whatever time remains, we will continue with the introductions of the Quality Professionals started in December 2023.
- We will first give floor, in random order, to those who attended in December but did not have an opportunity to speak. Those people already know the speaking format since they heard the December introductions.
- Time permitting, we will continue, in random order, with those who are in attendance in January but were NOT in attendance in December.
- If we run out of time without having everyone introduced, we will continue with the introductions in subsequent meetings.
- The Moderators will continue facilitating the introductions as in December.
- We will use the same questions as in December 2023 and will have the same time limit of about 5-6 minutes per person. PLEASE REVIEW the 9 questions that you will be asked and THINK AHEAD of what you want to say to other Quality Professionals in attendance about yourself and your experience.
- The questions will be projected to your computer's WebEx screen. Also, you are encouraged to turn your camera on when you speak. If you are on the phone, you will need to view the questions on the Section's web page or similar when you speak.
- Note: This Professional Night: Path to Quality is NOT a call for volunteers. It is about YOUR Path to Quality. You will not be asked whether you volunteer or plan on volunteering unless you want to raise this yourself as part of a relevant question (such as Q4, Q5, Q8, or Q9).
Additional Information:
Nine (9) Questions for Each Meeting Participants to Answer:
I. Quality Professional- Q1: What is your name?
- Q2: What is your area of professional specialization, education, or interest?
- For example, engineering, construction, software, healthcare, environment, management, any other?
II. Relationship with ASQ
- Q3: What ASQ Certifications (current or expired) do you have or plan on getting?
- Q4: When and why did you start attending the ASQ Section 0511 meetings?
- Did you come to Restaurant Events (both prior to 2020 and in 2023) or Ranger Outings (both old and recently in 2021-2023)?
- Q5: Did you participate in ASQ other than with Section 0511?
- For example, its Divisions, Conferences, Test Preparation, ASQ Management, other Sections?
III. Work
- Q6: Are you currently:
- in the workforce (employed or actively searching),
- not in the workforce (retired or not actively searching),
- or a student?
- Q7: What is (or was) your role at work?
- Is (or was) your work role quality-related? In what ways?
IV. Expectations
- Q8: What, if anything, interests you in other Quality Professionals who attend the ASQ section 0511 meetings?
- Q9: In what ways do you want ASQ Section 0511 to help you as a Quality Professional?
Registration Link
There is no charge to attend. To register, please use our on line reservation form which can be used up to the day of the meeting. If your plans change, please contact, and let us know.
Webinar Link / Meeting Instructions
- 6:00pm - 7:00pm — Section Leadership Committee meeting
- The following information is for a recurring meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month:
- Join by a direct meeting link: >
- Join by meeting number:
Meeting number (access code): 2558 731 5440
Meeting password: vcXvNJjF372 - To join from a mobile device (attendees only)
1-408-792-6300,,25587315440## Call-in toll number (US/Canada) - Join by phone:
1-408-792-6300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
- 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm — Monthly Membership Meeting
- The following information is for the monthly members meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month:
- Joining by a direct meeting link:
Joining by meeting information (requires entering the password):
Web address:
Meeting number: 2556 674 6384
Password: bqWWQt2dT32
Joining by phone (you will have to identify yourself by name when you have joined):
Phone number: 1-408-792-6300 Call-in number (US/Canada)
Access code: 2556 674 6384
- Joining by a direct meeting link:
February 2024 Member Meeting Information:
Ranger Outing - Gadsby's Tavern, Alexandria, VA. More information to come!
March 2024 Member Meeting Information:
The March 2024 member meeting is currently open. if you are interested in conducting a Quality Matters Round Table on a technical subject or have a presentation that would be of interest to the Section, please contact the Section Chair at
About Us:
ASQ Section 0511 is a geographic community in Northern Virginia that lives intertwined with the network of ASQ Divisions and technical communities specializing in specific quality domains and supporting ASQ Certifications in their domains.