ASQC Section 0511
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

On September 7, 1995 the Executive Committee of ASQC Section 0511 met
to conduct the Society's business.  The attendees were: (some guests
did not sign-in)

     Bill Toth      	Chairperson         301-924-6131
     Harvey Shaw    	Chair-elect         703-892-2740
     David Simmons  	Health Care         703-938-8555
     David Kate         	            703-620-8071
     John Matthewson    Auditor             703-818-5836
     Gail Holland                           703-691-5113
     Judy Semplak  	Treasurer      	    703-491-8227
     Roger Semplak 	Examining      	    703-491-8227
     Ed Peters                     	    703-556-7274
     Faisel Saeed   	Newsletter          301-495-9100
     Crystal Pilkins                        703-318-6440
     Bill Casti     	Electronic          1-800-604-6149
     Bill Eastham   	NQM and SMP    	    202-484-8215

The Executive Committee meeting started at 7:10 p.m., in the NEC
Conference Room in Herndon, Virginia.  There being a quorum present the
meeting was called to order by the Chairperson.  An attendance roster
was circulated. 

1.  Minutes.  The minutes of the last Executive Committee were reviewed
    and summarized for those attending.  After some discussion the minutes
    were accepted for the meeting of August 3, 1995. 


    The Treasurer's Report was given and the Section Auditor reported 
    to the Board the results of the yearly audit and made several 
    recommendations. The books are in good shape and the forms on record 
    clearly reflects how we are spending Section funds.  It was 
    recommended that checks over $1000 have the Chair's or Chair-Elect's
    signature on the request form.  This will be taken under advisement. 
    The Treasurer's report reflect the following Section financial 

          Beginning Balance (August)    $12,463.42
          Deposits                          375.00
          Withdrawals                     2,097.71

          Ending Balance (August)       $10,740.71   

3.  The discussion for the use of the Education's Survey information was
    tabled until the next meeting.

4.  There was some discussion on the separation of the newsletter (mailings
    in general) by the SIGs within the Section.  While there was some
    benefit in targeting the various groups within the Section and a
    potential cost savings, the recommendation for the time is to continue
    the current distribution of the newsletter and visit this discussion at
    another meeting.  The importance of using the electronic distribution 
    was emphasized as both a real time communications method as well as a 
    cost savings approach to information distribution. 

5.  SMP Chair Report.  The new SMP has been distributed to all Executive
    Committee members.  The plan provides the basis for the Section's
    Strategic Plan and our management approach (operation plan) for the
    Section.  The plan and the strategic planning for the section will be
    the baseline for future Section management and direction.  Work sheets
    will be prepared for all members for their input to the reports and
    planning activities.  Bill Eastham was appointed Chairperson for the
    Section Management Plan. 

6.  NQM Chair Report.  Bill Eastham provided the Committee an update on the
    NQM activities.  The hotel for the event is confirmed; Crystal City
    Marriott (close to Metro) on October 26, 1995 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00
    p.m. EDT.  The announcements and call for papers were sent and are
    being received by the membership.  A local keynote speaker has not 
    been confirmed.  A short written history of the Section and a short 
    briefing on the Section's activities will be presented.  Papers for 
    the call for papers are due by October 12, 1995. 

7.  Strategic Planning.  Bill Toth discussed the future of strategic
    planning for the Section and how this should be tied to the SMP. 
    Additional information will be provided in upcoming meetings as we 
    move forward with the Section's current operation. 

8.  Expanding Section Committees and Expanding Membership were briefly
    discussed in terms of how we may want to expand both the Section
    committees to increase membership involvement and other method of
    increasing both membership and membership involvement in Section
    activities.  Of key importance is how the committees would 
    function and how the Executive Committee would operate based on the 
    committee structure.  Due to time, the issued was tabled until a 
    future meeting. 

9.  Perks for Section Participation.  There was some general discussion on
    how the Section could provide some forms of incentives for membership
    participation.  Roger Semplak noted that there were a number of items
    that could be purchased from the Headquarters catalog as well as 
    local options.  There may also be ways to provide greater reductions 
    in cost of attending ASQC-sponsored training and workshops.  This 
    item will be discussed further in future meeting as we continue with 
    Section planning for the coming years. 

10. Individual Committee Reports. The individual committee reports that
    were submitted are attached for your review.  The Education Committee
    presented a detailed briefing on educational tracks, special interest
    groups and how to draw in our present membership and new 
    members to the section.  The report was very well received and the 
    Executive Committee express their support and gratitude for the hard 
    work and dedication of the Education Committee.  It has been 
    suggested that the Education Committee serve as the 
    benchmark/baseline for the Section.  (Committee Reports and 
    information are attached)

    The Chair-elect reported that a list of all Section Officers and 
    Committee Chairs was forwarded to Headquarters and that Headquarters 
    has approved the Section By-Laws.

11. Newsletter.  Faisel Saeed reported that the deadline for the November 
    Newsletter is October 6, 1995.  If you have information for the 
    Newsletter please provide the information no later than October 6, 
    1995 to Faisel Saeed (electronic format if possible).

12. Publicity.  As the Section moves forward it is important that the 
    various Committees work together to facilitate getting the word out to
    as many people as possible.  It was suggested that the Publicity Chair
    work with each of the Chairs to organize the publicity
    needs/requirements for each of the Section's activities. 

    The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be October 5, 1995 at
    the Inchcape/Intertek Board Room (7:00 - 9:00 p.m.), 9900 Main Street,
    Suite 500, Fairfax, Virginia. 

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

W. A. Eastham, Jr.
Section 0511 Minutes for September 7, 1995