ASQC Section 0511
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

On November 2, 1995, the Executive Committee of ASQC Section 0511 met to
conduct the Society’s business.  The attendees were:

· Bill Toth (301-924-6131)
· Bill Eastham (703-323-5803)
· Judy Semplak (703-491-8227)
· Roger Semplak (703-491-8227)
· Bill Casti (800-604-6149)
· Walt Mendus (703-354-5932)
· Jim Wilson (703-255-9560)
· Rebecca Lovern (703-391-8933)

The executive committee meeting started at 7:05 in the Intertek Board Room,
9900 Main Street, Suite 500, Fairfax, VA. 

1.  October minutes approved as written.

2.  Nominations for 1996-97 ASQC Board of Directors due mid-November.

3.  Rebecca Lovern is our new Programs Chair.  

4.  Treasurer's Report.  
Starting balance:   	$10,760.28
Expenditures	  	  6,832.37
Revenue			 12,885.80

Ending Balance		 16,813.71

5.  National Quality Month.  Bill E. reported Marriot refunding all $
due to failure to provide satellite downlink for the first hour and a
half.  Section will end up with $250.00 profit.  Next years downlink
will be October 8. 

Old Business:

6.  Education committee budget.  After lengthy discussion, a motion was
made and unanimously approved to approve $6000.00 for the Education
committee to implement the Education plan as presented at the Sept. 7

7.  White pages (member contact list).  Board accepted the concept of
publishing a White Pages for our section.  The details will be
negotiated later. 

8.  SMP/Strategic Planning.  Walt read letter from National
congratulating Section 0511 on achieving level 4 and showed the plaque. 
Bill E. making color copy.  Walt advised the Secretary to send minutes
to Mary Ann Stasiak. 
SMP Chair Bill Eastham reported that a skeleton SMP has been completed.
The Chair Elect is supposed to take a very active role in development
of the Strategic Plan as he is the one who will carry it over to the
next Board.  We need to have another meeting to work on SMP when the
Chair Elect is available.  This could be done by conference call. 

9.  Change of Board Election Timing.  There was a discussion of
changing the election time of the Exec. Board to fall in line with
National’s training schedule.  Bill C. noted that there could be
problems with this due to the by-laws, election issues and treasurer’s
report.  Tabled discussion of changing election timing for now. 

10.  Distribution of Newsletter (section news by SIGs).  Discussion

11.  VA State Quality Award.  Due Nov. 30.  Bill E. distributed
materials at NQM. 

New Business:

12.  Health Care Chair.  Bill C. made motion to eliminate position of
Health Care Chair and roll it into Education.  Motion passed

13.  Student Activities Chair.  Position vacant.  Discussion of student
activities tabled. 

14.  Moneys/Sub-budgets for committees other than Education.  Bill C.
moved to table discussion, requested Treasurer to proved report next

15.  Spouse Night.  Tabled discussion.

16.  Publishing Treasurers Report & New Members in the Newsletter. 
Board decided not to publish Treasurers Report.  Should recognize new
members. Either the Treasurer or the Membership Chair should advise
Newsletter Editor of new members. 

17.  Purchase of Scanner for Secretary.  Bill C. proposed the purchase
of a "Visioneer Passport"  -- a scanner costing approximately $400.00
for use by the Secretary to disseminate information such as handouts,
committee reports, reports from National, etc. over the Internet. 
Motion approved. 

18.  Scholarship Fund.  Bill C. moved to have Education Committee
prepare a White Paper for the February meeting on what to do with the
$2000.00 the Section has in the bank for a scholarship fund.  Motion

19.  Letter from Headquarters.  On-Line Committee Chair.  Bill C. is
defacto on-line chair.  Bill C. will follow up with National on this. 

20.  Programs.  Rebecca L. requested guidance for future programs. 
Bill E. will be getting the Quality Calendar for 1996 and will tell us
what the focus for each month will be. 

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm. 

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia K. Adair
Section 0511 Secretary