Minutes of the Northern Virginia ASQC Board Meeting - 7 March 1996

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.

H. Shaw
B. Eastham
B. Casti
D. Simmons
W. Mendus
M. Jones
R. Semplak
Guests: Steve Mills and Rebecca Walters

Minutes were approved as written.

Treasurer’s report:

January 1996
Started with    18,991.24
Deposits         1,658.93
Expended          <668.13>
Ending bal.     19,982.04

February 1996
Started with    19,982.04
Deposits           117.31
Expended          <665.84>
Ending bal.     19,443.51

Old business:

Report of Examinations was given by Mr. Semplak - ASQC CRE, CQM, CMI and CQT exams were given on Saturday, March 2, 1996 at NEC.

B. Casti gave a recapitulation of his standing report.
B. Eastham provided the Board with a report on NQM -- planning going well for the 1996 NQM.

New Business:

Mr. Steve Mills and Ms. Rebecca Walters from Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg, VA was introduced to the Board. Dr. Simmons was on hand to support the nomination to the board to team with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) to initiate a Breakthrough Series Collaborative focused on Community Based Health Improvement for the prevention of motor vehicle injuries. Dr. Simmons told the Board that if IHI did not have an ASQC member on their board that funding for the project would not occur. Therefore, Dr. Simmons agreed to be the point of contact for ASQC and help get the initiative off the ground and provide Section 0511 reports on its progress. The initiative and motion was passed by the Board unanimously.

A motion was made to have a newsletter article announcing the history of Section 0511 - making it available for members to acquire via the Section on diskette or hard copy. Roger Semplak offered to take the project on as a sub-task to see if it would be a "doable task". The motion was carried.

H. Shaw reviewed problems with the present newsletter -- proposals to outsource the present newsletter were discussed. Outsourcing is very expensive and not within the Section’s budget to pursue. The Board needs to begin to solicit a person or persons who will devote the time and effort to get a quality newsletter out. The Board needs to interview these individuals. Also, Bill Eastham is going to explore the idea of his company producing the newsletter -- the newsletter issue was tabled until the next Board meeting.

Corporate recognition was discussed. A motion was made to recognize Inchcape on the yellow postcard announcing each dinner meeting (e.g., "Courtesy of Inchcape". Also in the motion - recognize ALL corporate sponsors in the newsletter at the end to the fiscal year (June of each year), listing each sponsor and their contributions. (Bill Eastham volunteered to ensure that this would happen -- acknowledgment placed on card). Motion carried.

Mr. Semplak offered a sub-budgeted report of questions regarding phone bills.

Education/Scholarship Fund was tabled until next Board meeting.

Advertising List tabled until next Board meeting.

Section 0511 exhibit display was discussed - a motion was made that the Section solicit at least 50% corporate sponsorship - if the Section received the 50% sponsorship - go ahead and purchase the display, but not until 50% of the funds were in the bank. Motion carried. Further discussion will be forthcoming at the next Board meeting.

A motion by H. Shaw was put before the Board to co-sponsor the Peter Scholtes speaking engagement at the Crystal Gateway Marriott as a May 7, 1996 dinner meeting. The co-sponsorship would be with AQP, Deming Study Group, Section 0509 - with no monetary outlay for the co-sponsorship. Section 0511 would at least be on the billing. Motion carried.

Mr. Shaw shared a pamphlet with the Board members. The pamphlet was from the Radford, VA section. It listed the members and telephone numbers and other pertinent information of the Section. It was recommended that this be something for the new Board in July to pursue as a project for advertising our Section and let people know who we are. Discussion tabled until next Board meeting.

Mr. Shaw brought to the attention of the Board that a Nominating Committee needs to be formed immediately. The need for this action is to have a smoother transition for the upcoming Board members in July 1996. Nominations need to be made for: Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer. Nominations need to be brought before the Section NOT LATER THAN the end of April 1996.

Mr. Shaw announced the Staff Leadership Training for the upcoming Board members will be held at the Philadelphia Airport Marriott on 12 and 13 July 1996. The training is for the new Board members for 1996/1997.

Mr. Casti informed the Board that he intended to go to the National Congress in May (to be held in Chicago, IL). He would be going to present information to the Congress on the Internet Quality Resources. Further, a motion was made to fund a portion of Mr. Casti’s trip for hotel costs while in Chicago. The Board discussed the motion and decided to offer Mr. Casti a check for $400.00 for hotel expenses. The Board also discussed that this would in no way set a precedence for future Quality Congress attendees. The motion carried.

A motion was made to pay the registration fee for the Chair-Elect to also attend the annual Quality Congress in Chicago. Mr. Shaw (presently Chair-Elect) will attend. The motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.