ASQC Chapter 511
8 August 1996

1.  Attendees

Harvey Shaw
Pat McMahon
Walt Mendus
Roger Schaffer
Gail Symons
Bill Casti
Dallas Frederich
Bill Eastham

2.  SMP

	The planning meeting is scheduled for 17 August.  It will be held
at Harvey Shaw's offices at 3 Crystal Park, Suite 515.  The address is
2231 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA.  The meeting will encompass Strategic
Planning and Budget. 

3.  Treasurer's Report

	The treasurer was not present.  Beginning balance was $####,
income $####, expenditures $##### for a balance of $####

4.  Committee Reports

	a.  National Quality Month

		Roger Mercier of Section 0509 met with ORACLE who wants to do
downlink and also distribute to remote sites.  The program occurs on 3
October from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.  ORACLE would serve as host, provide
rooms and refreshments.  This is still tentative.  Cost of download is
$400, room and refreshments projected at $2400 - $2500 for a total of
approximately $3000. 

	b.  Student Activities

		Will receive a written report later.

	c.  Publicity

		Now have the information on how to switch the answering machine
and voice mail.  Notice will be made when completed. 

	d.  Membership

		The members of the committee are working on a ten year report to
be handed out at the NQM program. 

	e.  Historian

		The Historian is actively working on a ten year history for the
National Quality Month program. 

	f.  Education

		No report

	g.  Electronic Media

		A sample of the Indianapolis section member book was presented. 
The committee report is attached. 

	h.  Program

		The January program will be on the Life Cycle of a Quality
Process, the February program will be Quality Progress in Fairfax county
schools.  The September program will be announced when finalized.  The
October and November programs are dependent on the NQM downlink.

	i.  Newsletter

		All information needs to be in to the chair including examinations
and programs. 

	j.  Examining

		Received one new certification, all previous have been processed. 
Dallas is providing assistance on educating the new chair on certifying
journals.  Will receive notification of certification applications from
National.  Reservations will be made at NEC for an area to conduct the

5.  Old Business

	a.  Motion made and seconded to pay $500 to the Electronic Media
Committee to support electronic media services and administration.  Motion
passed unanimously. 

	b.  At the SMP, the request for a policy on regional director
reimbursement will be addressed

6.  New Business

	a.  Mailing List Issue - tabled.

	b.  Downlink - tabled.

	c.  CQCC - a promotion kit has been provided to introduce this

	d.  Publish a Directory and Program - this will be covered in more
detail at the next meeting.  Discussion issues include what will be
presented (name, phone, company, e-mail) whether it will be made available
on disk and if it will be downloaded from 

	e.  New letterhead will be developed including the current address, 
phone number, world wide web site and e-mail.

	f.  Motion made and amended to provide up to $200 for 2000
business cards conveying same information as letterhead for distribution
by board and committee members.  Motion passed unanimously.