Attendees: Harvey Shaw, Chair Bill Eastham, Chair Elect Gail Symons, Secretary Bill Casti, E-media Roger Semplak, Treasurer Catherine Brooks, Professional Liaison Pat McMahon, Publicity David Simmons, Healthcare Tim Gavagan Reading of Minutes: Minutes of 1 May 1997 Executive Board meeting were read and approved. Treasurer's Report: May: Beginning Balance $19,092.30 Expenses 750.86 Income 534.50 Ending Balance $18,875.94 Committee Reports: a) Community Quality Council: No response to date from letter sent to SPQA Board Chair, Dr. Mark Edwards. Catherine Brooks approached several local board members and asked them about the possibility of presenting SPQA workshops at an 0511 sponsored event later this year and received a favorable response. Pat McMahon contacted principals at the joint Virginia Tech/UVA Performance Center facility in Falls Church with a proposal to have the center host the NQM downlink this October, and build an agenda around the event. A meetings was scheduled for June 4th but was canceled at the last minute due to illness. New date is June 19th. Because the October date is too late for SPQA workshops (the application is due November 30), a summer event is contemplated. Intent was to discuss this with the performance center principals. b) E-media: Nothing to report c) Professional Liaison: Jointly sponsored a booth at the National AQP in Baltimore. The Council for continuous Improvement is exploring partnering with ASQ for similar services (training). At AQP, gathered what other community quality councils do. The primary take away is that they each pick a focus or niche to maximize their efforts. Made lots of contacts. Continued partnering with the Capital Area AQP. d) Publicity: Met with Ken Harmon (VaTech) and Russ Lettner (UVa). They are extremely interested in hosting the NQM downlink. They will also bring in the Blacksburg Va Tech folks. Ken recommended workshops around the NQM with experts and award winners making presentations. The meeting on 19 June mentioned in the CQC report will be used to set up committees. Old Business: a) Don Hendrix will be contacted as a possible chair for the Education Committee. b) The Educational Scholarship Fund is still sitting in passbook savings. No action to be taken at this time. c) It was moved and unanimously passed to authorize funds in the amount of $400 for the NQM downlink for this year. d) A general discussion was held on the issue of plaques and the wording to be inscribed on the. It was moved and passed that the already authorized plaques would be inscribed with the recipient's name on the first line, "for significant contributions" on the second line and "ASQC Section 0511" on the third line. It was further moved and passed that plaques will not be approved for presentation or others as recognition in the future. Left open was the possibility of developing more appropriate means to recognize speakers and major contributors. New Business: a) The Chair reported on the National Quality Congress. He presented two CDs with materials presented at the Congress. He also passed brochures on the Community Quality Councils to that committee's members. Slides will be presneted at one of the board or section meetings. b) Harvey will accompany the ASQ president in testifying at the Rayburn Building on TQM in the federal government on Monday, 9 June, at 0930. The hearings have been called by Representative Steve Horn from California. c) The Deming Memorial Lecture sponsored jointly by Section 0511 and AQP will be held on 23 September. Heero Haakebord will present a speech on Performance Measures. More details will be obtained at the Partnership meeting 7 June. d) It was moved and passed to conduct a membership needs assessment. The last assessment was conducted over three years ago. Bill Casti and Mark Jones will lead the task force or ad hoc committee in accomplishing this. e) Tim Gavagan has volunteered to take on the duties of Publicity Chair, allowing Pat McMahon to fill the National Quality Month Chair. This was endorsed and made official by the board. f) Prior to the meeting, a presentation was made by David Simmons on the ASQC-partnered effort with Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg. This initiative has the goal of reducing crash-related injuries among persons 15 - 19 years of age. Similar partnerships around the country have goals of reducing drunk driving, pedestrian accidents and the like. In this effort, a number of interventions have been instituted including restraint checkpoints, a No Crash newsletter and community education. One success was the passing of a primary restraint bill by the Virginia Assembly, later vetoed by Governor Allen. Interestingly, the statistics indicate that alcohol is not the primary cause of teen-aged crashes, poor driving skills including inattention account for the largest number. Just recently, a No Crash Bash was held with a traffic safety focus. The event featured 3 bands, 7 food vendors and 13 traffic safety educators. Attendance was approximately 3000. A series of graphs indicate the success of the program with an overall decline in the accident rates over the past year. His request for possible support later this year in establishing a similar partnership in the D.C. area was well received. More details will be provided at another board meeting. Meeting close: Motion to adjourn seconded and approved. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 2 July, at Intertek.