Slide 12 of 19
The Mechanics of Communicating:
Have a clear understanding of the outcome in your mind--picture the end result--you might even have the steps in mind that would have to be taken to get to that end result.
Receiver is ready to receive: Ideal would be to have him face you, make eye contact, not have him doing something else or speaking to someone else.
1st sent is main point--and then provide backup. Speak slowly—we think at the rate of 500 wpm and should be speaking at the rate of 125 to 180 wpm—the best rate being 140 wpm.
WIIFM: Use analogies/examples/picture words.
Speak to the level of the receiver--watch out for technobabble.
Don’t use fuzzy meaninged words (give examples of fuzzy words)
Check for understanding--To check for understanding, rephrase what you said, through questioning get the receiver to rephrase statement, use open and closed probes. What’s the difference between an open and a closed probe? If it doesn’t come back to you the way you thought it should, go back and reclarify.