ASQ Section 0511 May 2023 Meeting Announcement
7:00 - 8:30 PM Wednesday, 10 May 2023
Location #1: Mason District Government Center
Arrive at 6:45 PM: Main Community Room, 6507 Columbia Pike, Annandale VA 22003
Location #2: Online Streaming via WebEx
Streaming at 7:00 PM:
Community Matters & Classic Presentations: Environmental Data Quality
A Quality Professional’s View: A Historical Perspective and a Look to the Future
Presented by Ken Rapuano, ASQ Section 0511 Chair

Short Description:
The May 2023 ASQ Section Meeting is a landmark event in the Section 0511 Educational Programs, with a number of “firsts”:
- In-person Meetings: The return of in-person meetings the first time since March 2020.
- Double Location: This is the first meeting to be conducted live on site simultaneously with online streaming.
- On-Site Event Location: Mason District Government Center, not a crowded restaurant with noisy patrons nearby.
- Streaming Initiative: We now have equipment and technology to stream on-site events to those far away who cannot join us in person.
- Discounted Dinner: All participants attending on site have an option to register for a discounted dinner.
- Classic Presentations: This new initiative targets to revive, bring up to date, and re-deliver the best Section 0511 presentations of the past.
- The May 2023 Classic Presentation is based on the July 2018 presentation “Approaches to Environmental Data Quality - A Historical Perspective” – see here:
- Community Matters: This May 2023 presentation is the promised Part 2 “Quality Professional in Community” of the Community Matters: Energy & Environmental Division (EED) Series:
- The Community Matters Initiative was unveiled at the August 2022 Section Meeting – see here:
- The Community Matters: EED Division was Part 1 at the September 2023 Section Meeting – see here:
Ken has worked in the Health & Safety, Industrial Hygiene, and Environmental fields for 35 years. He is an IHMM-Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) and a member of the Energy and Environmental Division (EED). In this meeting’s Program, he will serve as a link between Section 0511 and some of the ideas and activities that EED concerns itself with.
This Program includes the revised materials of Ken’s Classic Presentation of July 2018 supplemented by Ken’s own experiences of a Quality Professional in an environmental firm. This is also Ken’s contribution to advance his Energy and Environmental Division (EED).
- You (and your guest if any) must register here:
- Note: If you are registering for the optional dinner but have not successfully paid, your registration is invalid.
Program Content:
Yes, indeed:
- This is our first on-site meeting in over three (3) years, conducted at a professional location and enhanced with online streaming and a discounted dinner. We look forward to seeing and dining with you in person!
- And the presentation is under two (2) initiatives simultaneously: The new “Classic Presentations” initiative and the “Community Matters” initiative. Ken will deliver on his September 2022 promise to bring his experience as a Quality Professional in an environmental firm.
Ken will do the following in his May 2023 presentation:
- Remind you of the Community Matters initiative and of the place of today’s “Quality Professional in Community” event in Ken’s introduction of the Energy and Environmental Division (EED).
- Briefly introduce our new Classic Presentations initiative, under which the Section targets bringing the best of past events. Ken will explain how his July 2018 materials fit into the Community Matters introduction of EED.
- Share his experience of working as the Quality Professional in an environmental firm and the work such a professional does in general and with the environmental data specifically.
- Outline the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and passage of major environmental legislation leading to the development of sampling and analysis programs to support the associated regulatory missions.
- Draw contrasts between the performance-based data quality requirements for pollution prevention regulatory programs (such as RCRA) and the prescriptive requirements associated with Superfund investigations.
- Propose a forward look at the current issues facing the environmental field, including connections between our need for energy and our need to protect the environment.
Notes on the Event:
In-Person Meetings: ASQ has removed its former restrictions on in-person events except for the expectation that participants will follow local guidance.
- The Mason District Government Center website does not note any mask or vaccination requirements.
- However, we did have occasions in the past where we were told that masks would not be required yet the location required a mask.
- Thus, perhaps plan on having a mask in your pocket just in case. We will follow the guidance of our meeting site at the time of the meeting.
- ASQ does not require signing waivers, so, you will not be asked to sign one, either.
- Thus, by participating, you have agreed that this is acceptable to you.
Recording and Streaming: The meeting’s program will be streamed and recorded. No effort will be made to record you specifically unless you speak up nor to avoid recording your voice or likeness. Thus, by participating in the meeting in person, you have agreed that this is acceptable to you.
On-site Location: The on-site meeting will be conducted at the following location: Mason District Government Center: Main Community Room, 6507 Columbia Pike, Annandale VA 22003.
- This should be a relatively short drive for many Section 0511 Quality Professionals.
- Please arrive 15 minutes in advance for check-in and, if applicable, meal setup.
See the maps of the area:

Registration and Payment:
Member Planet Advance Registration
This event requires registration for all who attend on site.
- Registration for those attending online is requested but not required.
- You (and your guest if any) must register here:
The onsite registration through Member Planet is as follows:
- Standard Registration with dinner is $10 per person by Monday May 8, 2023 @12 PM NOON.
- Late Registration with dinner is $15 per person by Tuesday May 9, 2023 @12 PM NOON.
- Program-Only Registration without dinner is FREE by Tuesday May 9, 2023 @12 PM NOON.
Walk-in Registration
We are asking you to make your best effort to register through Member Planet as described above in advance so that we can plan for your participation accordingly. If this is not possible, you are still welcome as a walk-in.
The walk-in onsite registration is as follows:
- Walk-in registration with dinner at the meeting site is $20 per person payable with a Credit Card.
- Walk-in registration without dinner at the meeting site is FREE.
- The charge may be canceled and is reimbursable only if canceled by Sunday May 7, 2023 @6:00 PM via email to Chair for Voice of the Customer Connie Broadie at
- You are expected to arrive 10-15 minutes ahead of the 7:00 PM for registration and seating regardless whether you have purchased a meal.
Speaker Background:
Ken Rapuano is a Senior Chemist at HydroGeoLogic, Inc., a Reston-based environmental firm. He has been an IHMM-Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) since 2010 and an ASQ-Certified Quality Auditor (CQA) since 2015.
- His expertise includes analytical chemistry, data validation and usability assessments, and health and safety. He also supports database management and risk assessment.
Outside of work, he is still playing Dungeons and Dragons and has been known to take an occasional interest in beer brewing, history, sports, computer games, and cats.
Ken was elected as the Section 0511 Secretary for 2019-2021, then was elected as the Section Vice Chair for 2022, and he is now the elected Section Chair for 2023. In addition to leading the Section as its Chair, Ken also generously continues leading the following three (3) initiatives:
- Early in 2022, Ken stepped up additionally to serve as the Section’s Compliance Officer.
- He also leads the Quality Matters Reports initiative that has resulted in several reports on Quality Matters Round Tables since they started in 2021.
- In 2022, Ken also assumed the role of the Community Matters Initiative Lead to have the ASQ Divisions presented to the Section members. This resulted in his presentations at the August and September 2022 Section Meetings.
- Ken serves as the Section 0511 Chair since January 2023, and in this capacity he delivered the January 2023 Section Chair’s Report.
Section Leadership Committee Meeting Information:
Wednesday, May 10th, 2023 at 6:00 pm EST
Joining by a direct link:
Meeting link:
Joining by meeting information (requires entering the password):
Web address:
Meeting number: 2551 557 3371
Password: FVcQFA8bx63
Joining by phone (you will have to identify yourself by name when you have joined):
Phone number: 1-408-792-6300 Call-in number (US/Canada)
Access code: 2551 557 3371
Next Meeting:
Member Meeting on 14 June 2023, topic TBD
About Us:
ASQ Section 0511 is a geographic community in Northern Virginia that lives intertwined with the network of ASQ Divisions and technical communities specializing in specific quality domains and supporting ASQ Certifications in their domains. Its members have tremendous cumulative experience across multiple industries, companies, and government agencies. Any single one of you in our ASQ Section is a formidable source of takes, opinions, and lessons on a number of Quality Matters.